Toadman Interactive, the studio known for developing original titles like Immortal Unchained and plying its trade as a work-for-hire developer, is making layoffs.The company confirmed the news on LinkedIn and explained it would be making some redundancies and shuttering its offices in Stockholm, Visby, and Oslo."Like many other game companies, we have gone through a tough period over the last 12 months, and, unfortunately, that means that we are shutting down our offices in Stockholm, Visby, and Oslo, as well as having some redundancies in our Berlin studio," reads the statement. "If you are hiring in the games space, please reach out to Araken dos Santos and we would love to make introductions to our talented staff."Toadman is owned by Enad Global 7 (EG7) and has worke…
Sony made 900 layoffs across PlayStation Studios to ensure it had room for future growth.That's according to Hideaki Nishino, SVP of platform experience at SIE and future Platform Business Group CEO, who was asked whether investors should be concerned about the relentless spate of layoffs and studio closures during a recent business segment meeting.In response, Nishino said the job cuts were a reaction to a "dynamically changing" industry and claimed Sony had to make some layoffs so it can reinvest in an "appropriate way.""We are observing the industry is dynamically changing. Technology, innovation, and also the dynamics of customer behavior. We look forward to investing in the future as well," said Nishino."We want to grow and invest in an appropri…
Update (05/02/24): Bloomberg is reporting that Take-Two intends to shut down Intercept Games.Although Take-Two wouldn't disclose how the studio has been impacted by the 70 layoffs in Seattle, where Intercept is located, documentation reviewed by Bloomberg indicates the studio will be shuttered.Take-Two had already told Game Developer it will continue to make updates to Kerbal Space Program 2.Original story: Take-Two is laying off 70 people in Seattle as part of an ongoing cost-reduction program.The publisher is currently attempting to reduce its headcount by 5 percent to enhance its "margin profile while still investing for growth." It announced those layoffs just weeks after spending $460 million acquiring Gearbox from Embracer.A WARN notice filed in Washington shows the co…
The source code for 1999's Descent 3 has been uploaded to Github for everyone to use, free of charge.Uploaded by programmer Kevin Bentley, who worked on the game back in the day, the code includes the unreleased 1.5 patch he and Jeff Slutter made years prior. The only thing missing, he continued, were some proprietary video and sound libraries."I have that code if someone wants to help make a converter so the old cutscenes work," said Bentley. "It'll take some effort to stub out that code so it compiles."Bentley also admitted the code "needs to be cleaned up some" and asked for some grace, since it was made by a team "much younger and less experienced back then.""If you're interested in helping maintain it, please send me a messag…